Charleston Pool Cleaners

Charleston Pool Cleaners

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5 Tips and Tricks to Pool Cleaning

When you are a pool owner there are responsibilities that come along with caring for your pool. A pool needs regularly maintained, regularly cleaned, and proper handling. Cleaning a pool has a right way and a wrong way of doing it. If a pool is not properly maintained and cleaned, the pool water will become discolored, the tile can become stained, and it won't be appealing to use. A pool should be a place where family comes together and makes memories and enjoys the nice weather. If a pool is properly cleaned and taken care of these memory making gatherings around the pool can become nonexistent. Charleston Pool Cleaners are here to give you some tips and tricks on caring for and cleaning your pool the right way.

Step 1 Regular Pool Cleaning

Keeping a regular pool cleaning schedule is important and imperative to keeping your pool looking fresh and clean. Cleaning your pool on a regular basis seems like a tall task, however keeping up with your pool cleaning on a regular basis will actually reduce problems in the future. This will result in not having discolored water, tile stains, and discoloration on all pool surfaces. Regular pool maintenance is needed for the overall success of the look of your pool and needed in order to keep the pool as clean as possible.

Step 2 Keep your Pool Filter Clean

It is important to keep your pool filter clean. Always check your pool filter to make sure it is working adequately, running, and it is clean. If your pool filter isn't working it will result in unnecessary and extra pool cleaning needs that can easily be avoided if your pool filter is working properly.

Step 3 Test Pool Chemicals

Make sure you are testing the chemicals in your pool on a consistent basis. Having the right chemical balance in your pool is very important and necessary. You don't want the chemicals to be out of balance and regular and consistent checks are deemed necessary for a clean and fresh pool.

Step 4 Scrubbing the Pool Walls

It may seem like common sense, but scrubbing the pool walls and surfaces is a must! This will help to remove grim and stains on the surfaces of the pool. Regularly scrubbing the walls and surfaces of the pool will result in keeping the pool looking new and free of stains.

Step 5 Vacuum the Pool

Making sure pool owners vacuum their pools is extremely important. It skims the pool for dirt, debris, leaves, and sticks. This will not only help your pool water and overall look of the pool fresh and clean, but it will also protect and keep the pool filter working and functioning properly. This is because it won't get jammed or overworked from debris that should be in the pool or pool filter.

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